I’m teaming up once more with I Heart 3 Grade for her Weekly Summer Link Up again!  This week’s topic is “One Item that Means the World to Me.”  I started thinking about this blog post last week and came up blank.  I thought about it again over the weekend and drew another blank.  I’ve thought about it this week and still, I came up with nothing.

Here’s the thing: there is only one thing on this earth that means the world to me and that’s my son.  I came to motherhood in a most unconventional way.  I was 39, unmarried and without the finances to adopt.  I had recently taken a Financial Peace University class at my church which challenged me to evaluate my priorities.  At the time, I shopped freely, visited the salon often, had trendy clothes and accessories, and lots of tech toys.  I had to choose to continue that life, or sacrifice “things” in order to have the one thing I wanted more than anything in the world – a son or daughter!  So I stopped shopping and I started selling.   I kept what I needed and let everything else go.  Now, don’t get any ideas – I still like nice things but I just didn’t need so much of it.  I began to understand the difference between wanting and needing something.    In less that a year, I had the funds to adopt (partnered with a fundraiser I did) and two months later I was matched with a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

So here’s the one thing that means the world to me.  This simple photo of me and my son as a baby.  It’s a picture of love and God’s grace in my life.  It sits on my mantle in a frame given to my by the judge that finalized his adoption.  “Things” come and go, but his love is constant and it’s enough.