Using Google Classroom in the Music Classroom
Many of us have been thrown in to the world of distance learning due to the coronavirus. We're all scrambling to learn a variety of technologies to reach our students remotely. In today's post, I'm sharing some of my tips and tricks for Using Google Classroom in...
Teaching Music Remotely
Many of us are experiencing disruptions in our daily lives due to Covid-19, also known as the coronavirus. As schools close nationwide, many music teachers are scrambling to figure out how to offer remote or virtual learning as social distancing becomes our new norm.
Three Singing Games for Fourth Grade Music
Do your older students need to sing, move, & play? I’m sharing my favorite singing games for 4th grade music – including directions, content, & notation!
Three Singing Games for Third Grade Music
Do your students love singing, moving, and playing? I’m sharing my favorite singing games for 3rd grade music – including directions, content, & notation!
Assessment using Standards-Based Scales, Part 3
Assessing 500+ students using standards-based scales can feel overwhelming! I’m sharing my secrets to making it all manageable!
Assessment using Standards-Based Scales, Part 2
In this post, I break down how to create standards-based scales step by step. Follow these steps to create your own scales based on power standards.
Assessment using Standards-Based Scales, Part 1
Assessment is always a hot topic in education, but how can we tie in standards to assessment? Let’s talk about assessment and standard-based scales.
Surviving & Thriving in December
The month of December a busy time of year for music teachers! Let’s talk about easy, go-to lesson plans to help you to move from surviving to thriving!
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