Choral Music with a Twist
As a Music Learning Theory Practitioner, I am always looking for ways to include songs in different tonalities and meters in my instruction. This includes my choir too! Over the years, I've collected a list of songs that use a variety of tonalities and meters. Here...
Summer Ukulele Challenge 2023
As a teacher, summer is my time to relax, renew, and do things that bring me joy! One those things that bring me joy is playing my ukulele. During the school year, it's hard to make time to play for my own enjoyment, so prioritizing it during the summer is so...
Curriculum Mapping Made Easy
One of my biggest goals as a teacher is to work smarter, not harder. Curriculum mapping is a great way to organize your instruction. Let's walk through some simple steps to help you map out your music instruction for the coming school year! Reflect Before we begin,...
Online Games for Elementary Music
Are you looking for some free, online games for your elementary music students? With many schools adopting 1:1 technology post-pandemic, it's easier than ever to use devices such as Chromebooks in the music room. The challenge is where to find quality, free online...
Introducing Timbre through Mystery Instruments
One of the most challenging parts of remote teaching was incorporating instruments into my instruction. My elementary music room is a hands-on learning environment with instruments being played most days. During remote instruction, not only could we not play...
Music Centers: Rhythm
Have you ever considered using music centers in your music room? I've used them for over 20 years and they are hands-down my favorite day in music (as well as my students' favorite days!) Music centers offer many benefits to instruction: Centers are a wonderful...
Teaching Vocabulary in Elementary Music
A few years ago, I wrote a three-part series about Standards-Based Scales. You can read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 here. One thing that is consistent in standards-based scales is that if students do not understand the vocabulary associated with a given...
Call & Response Songs for Elementary Music
I have two goals for my students when they come to my program: 1) all my students feel that they can use their singing voice and 2) all students find connection and joy through music - however that may look. Coming back from Remote instruction, where it was hard to...
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