Choral Music with a Twist

Choral Music with a Twist

As a Music Learning Theory Practitioner, I am always looking for ways to include songs in different tonalities and meters in my instruction.  This includes my choir too!  Over the years, I've collected a list of songs that use a variety of tonalities and meters.  Here...

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Curriculum Mapping Made Easy

Curriculum Mapping Made Easy

One of my biggest goals as a teacher is to work smarter, not harder.  Curriculum mapping is a great way to organize your instruction. Let's walk through some simple steps to help you map out your music instruction for the coming school year! Reflect Before we begin,...

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Music Centers: Rhythm

Music Centers: Rhythm

Have you ever considered using music centers in your music room?  I've used them for over 20 years and they are hands-down my favorite day in music (as well as my students' favorite days!)  Music centers offer many benefits to instruction: Centers are a wonderful...

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