Aug 3, 2016 | 5 Favorite Things, Audiation, Improvisation, MLT, Music Learning Theory |
I’m starting a new series this fall called “5 Favorite Things…” Professionally, I experienced a difficult year...
Jul 6, 2016 | Find My iPad, iPad, MacBook Pro, Reclaiming Storage |
I love my iPad. Love. It. It’s the only device I ever bought 1st generation. I waited in line outside of an Apple Store before the...
May 16, 2016 | Djembe, Drumming, Drums, End of the Year, Ngoma, So You Think You Can Drum, Tubanos |
Whether you have one week or five weeks left of school, we are all looking for fun, engaging lessons for our elementary music students! ...
May 16, 2016 | Djembe, Drumming, Drums, Ngoma, So You Think You Can Drum, Tubanos |
My students LOVE to play the drums, but there’s so much to do to set up before a drum unit. I’m sharing the basics in this...
Apr 23, 2016 | Children's Books, Five Green and Speckled Frogs, Jump Frog Jump, Listen to the Rain, Listening Walk, Marsh Music, Sound Exploration, Spring |
Many of you know that I love using children’s literature in my music classroom. There is so much rich language, rhythm,...
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