Do you teach ukulele? Then this post is for you! I’m sharing all of my favorite ukulele blogs, videos, YouTube Channels, and more in one convenient post for you! No matter what age or grade you teach, there is something for you!
Getting Started
Last summer, I wrote a blog post with tons of tips to get you started on the right track with your students. From prepping the instruments, to choosing the right curriculum for your students – there’s so much great information to get your going!
Ukulele Comparison Guide
Looking for the perfect ukulele for your classroom? Check out my friend, Shelley Tomich’s page, Pitch Publications. She has a fabulous blog post where she compares student model soprano ukuleles. Check it out below!
DIY Ukulele Straps
I love playing my ukulele with a strap – especially in the classroom. It gives me a bit more stability and flexibility as I move around from student to student. I don’t have ukulele straps for my students, but here is a great DIY video by Bernadette Teaches Music on how to make three inexpensive straps for your ukulele!
Ukulele Storage: Classroom Edition
If you have a set of classroom ukuleles, chances are you’re going to need a way to store them too. Check out some of these storage solutions for easy access.
Favorite Sites for Ukulele
I have so many go-to sites when it comes to ukulele! Here are just a few of my favorites!
Dr. Jill Reese’s YouTube Channel – She is the driving force behind the SUNY Fredonia Ukulele Club. Love her channel for video play-alongs!
Ukualiens – This is really a student favorite! So many cute graphics and amazing play-along videos! The chord drill practice videos are great for students to build their capacity to move between chords too!
Ukeplayalongs – Another great play-along site! I especially love that they have Baritone content as well!
Ukutabs.com – This is a go to site for so many reasons! I love that I can find about any song I want to play on this site AND that you have the ability to transpose songs with a click of a button! Perfect when I need to transpose a song for student use! There is also a guide to ukulele clubs around the world curated on this site!
Favorite Ukulele Videos
Want an example of amazing ukulele playing to share with your students? Here are a few of my favorites!
Fingerpicking and Strumming
As I began learning to play ukulele, these are some the resources I relied on for techniques such as strumming and fingerpicking.
Adaptive Devices for the Ukulele
Do you work with children with special needs? My friend, Denise Wilkinson, shared this amazing adaptive device called the Uke Chord Changer. It clips onto the ukulele over the strings so that the student need only press a chord button instead of all of the strings. You can find it here.
Changing Out Strings
If you’re not a string major, changing out the strings on the ukulele can feel a bit overwhelming. This is the video I watched before changing out strings on the ukulele. I don’t typically change the strings on student instruments unless there an issue. When I do change out the strings, I prefer to use Aquila Nylon strings.
Pop Song Play Alongs for General Music
I love introducing new skills using folk tunes we’ve learned in music class. But my students love practicing those new skills using pop songs they know and love. Here are two collections of pop songs for general music (with both clean content and language).
History of the Ukulele Family
Want to share a bit of history about the ukulele? Check out a blog post I wrote while visiting Hawaii!
Do you have a favorite ukulele resource? Looking for a resource or idea but didn’t find it? Leave me a message below! I’d love to hear from you!
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