Music Decor Bundle: Polka Dots


Looking for meaningful, purposeful classroom decor? This set includes Music Anchor Charts, Ukulele Chord posters, and Recorder Fingering posters using a colorful polka dot themed background!


Looking for meaningful, purposeful classroom decor? This set includes Music Anchor Charts, Ukulele Chord posters, and Recorder Fingering posters using a colorful polka dot themed background!

Music Anchor Charts included in this set are:

  • Melody
  • Rhythm
  • Harmony
  • Form
  • Texture
  • Timbre
  • Dynamics
  • Tempo
  • Audiation

Ukulele Chord Charts included in this set are: C, C7, D, F, G, G7, A, Am, Dm and Em.

Recorder Fingering Posters included in this set are: C, D, E, F, F#, G, A,A#/Bb, B, high C, D, and E.

All Decor packs from in a variety of colors. Print all one color or mix and match colors for your classroom.