Dance & Freeze: Winter Sports Edition


Get your students moving and dancing purposefully in music class! Dance & Freeze: Winter Sports is an interactive game that helps students use imagery to experience a variety of Laban Efforts. Using flow, weight, space, and time, students learn how to coordinate their bodies through movement and music. It’s the perfect movement activity to pair with your Winter unit with little ones!


Get your students moving and dancing purposefully in music class! Dance & Freeze: Winter Sports is an interactive game that helps students use imagery to experience a variety of Laban Efforts. Using flow, weight, space, and time, students learn how to coordinate their bodies through movement and music. It’s the perfect movement activity to pair with your Winter unit with little ones!

This file contains versions in both PDF and PowerPoint.

Please note – due to copyright, there is no recorded music provided with this resource. Musical suggestions for use are listed within the resource.