Favorite Pop Songs for Ukulele: C, F, G & Am Edition
Earlier this week, I shared a blog post about using Pop Songs for ukulele instruction. In case you missed it, you can read all about it here. I love using folk tunes for younger students, but with older students, I often need to find music that is more on their...
Favorite Pop Songs for Ukulele: C, F, & G Edition
Oh my goodness! It's been so long since I've blogged! I apologize for the absence as I am in the middle of blog redesign. I'm hopeful that we'll be releasing the new blog redesign at the start of the new year! With all of that said, I really want to talk ukulele...
Sequencing Ukulele Instruction in Elementary Music
Starting to teach ukulele, but not sure where to begin? In this blog post, I talk about my sequence of instruction to teach ukulele in elementary music.
The MLT Classroom
Have you ever heard of Edwin Gordon’s Music Learning Theory? I’m sharing how MLT impacts the teaching and learning in my music room.
Lesson Ideas for John the Rabbit
Looking for some fresh ideas to use with a classic folk tune? I’m sharing some of my favorite lesson plan ideas for John the Rabbit!
Finding Funds for the Music Room
Are you a music teacher without a budget? You’re not alone! Read how I’ve raised over $25,000 for my elementary music program!
Giving New Life to Move and Freeze
Do you use Move & Freeze dances in your classroom? In this blog post, I’m sharing some ways to breathe new life into a music classroom staple!
Using “Morning Work” to Preview, Practice & Review Rhythmic Content in the Elementary Music Classroom
Let’s talk about using morning work (or bell work) in the music room to preview, practice, or review rhythmic content in the music room!
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